

Multi-dimensional development – from fashion to stage costumes

The Macao Fashion Gallery is specially organizing a seminar named “Multi-dimensional development – from fashion to stage costumes”. In order to coordinate with the “Magics of Creation – Costume Exhibition for Original Musical <Myth of Fox>”, we have invited an active stage costume designers from Hong kong


-The techniques of stage costume design
-Experience Sharing: The difficulties, bitter and sweet in costume design
-Study the stage costume making in Hong Kong and Macao
-Discuss the development of stage costumes

Kenneth, a renowned costume designer and one of the most dedicated and experienced costume specialists in Hong Kong. He graduated from Hong Kong academy for performing arts in costume technology and has actively pursued his career as a costume designer and supervisor ever since. Kenneth has developed a very unique style of dazzling glamour and vibrant colors. As a frequent nominee for costumes awards, Kenneth was the recipient of the United Airline Award for best design in 1995. He has also won the prestigious award of best costume design at the Hong Kong drama awards, four years in a row for his exceptional contribution and fabulous operational departments. In 2008, Kenneth accepted the invitation to work in the Costume and Props Manufacturing Team of the prestigious Cisque du Soleil Asia-Pacific.


Date:2013.10.05 (Saturday)


Venue:CPTTM HAT Auditorium


Suitable for:Fashion designers, those interested in the stage costume design




How to build a fashion brand

In affiliation with the “Korea Macao Encounter Spring / Summer Fashion Exhibition”, the Macao Fashion Gallery is specially organizing the seminar “How to build a fashion brand”, inviting designer who is active in the international fashion industry to share his experience in building fashion brands, letting young fashion designers and entrepreneurs to understand the process from product design to production, to sales, and brand management strategies.


Contents :

~ Precautions while building a fashion brand

~ Experience sharing : the process of turning a design into a product, difficulties  encountered during the process, joys and sorrows

~ How to set up and manage existing outlets? Is Macao target market?



Gideon Tam was born in Macao, graduated in 2001 from Kingston University England with First Honor Degree in Fashion Design. He is creative and talented fashion designer. Gideon obtained the RSA (London Royal Society of Art) Fashion Design Student Award in 2000. Gideon’s unique designs and craftsmanship is being recognized by the international fashion industry. He got The Young Menswear Designer Award at 2010 Berlin Fashion Week.


“Placed by Gideon” was founded in 2006. The label focuses on creating men’s knitwear. The brand is available in the U.K. Italy, Germany, Japan etc.


Date:27/7/2013 (Saturday)  17:00-19:00


Venue:Macao Fashion Gallery (Rua de S. Roque, No.47, Macau)



Relationship between Fashion Design and 3D Cutting

 “Relationship between Fashion Design and 3D Cutting” Seminar


Fashion is the fastest change design industry, there has been growing inproduction technology. Through seminar, let designers to understand the relationship between today’s fashion design and draping.


Speaker: Dr Raymond Au



l   Theories of design concept to final prototyping

l   Relationship between Fashion Draping and Fashion concept


Suitable for:Persons who are interested in Fashion Design, Macao Garment Manufactures, Fashion Design Students


Date/Time:30/11/2012 (Friday)  19:00-21:00



Chinese classical art affect modern design

澳門時尚廊於2012年9月26日(星期三)下午7時舉辦“傳統與時尚的結合 – 中國古典藝術對現代設計的影響”,是次研討會很榮幸邀請到曾得到中國十佳時裝設計師、任廣州T.I.T.創意嶺南服飾博物館館長、被譽為文化創業產業技能大師的屈汀南先生遠道來澳主講,通過他多年來在時裝界的心得及寶貴經驗,分析東方和西方的古典藝術相似和不同特點、中國民族古典藝術萃要以及對現代時尚設計有何影響,一一透過研討會傳授給本澳人士。除上述裨益外, 透過研討會亦可進行粵澳交流,互相學習,相信對本澳時裝設計人士為一大得益。