Using diversified fabrics and Japanese-style patchwork, most of the works are cloth bags, though retro bags with gold embroidery, wallets and personalised workbags are also available. From them one can feel both modern elements with unique traditional styles and a simple and unadorned spirit of hipsters, which makes it easier to go with different apparel and accessories.




手袋 /Bolsas/Handbags :MOP230
手袋 /Bolsas/Handbags : MOP250
手袋 /Bolsas/Handbags :MOP160
手袋 /Bolsas/Handbags :MOP160
零錢包/Porta-Moedas/Coin purses:MOP78
零錢包/Porta-Moedas/Coin purses:MOP78