Recent Events and Activities


“澳門時尚廊”2023年展覽招募活動(系列1) 申請規定






2.1          主辦單位:澳門特別行政區政府文化局、澳門生產力暨科技轉移中心

2.2           申請方式:親臨或透過代辦人遞交本規定第4點所指之全部文件至申請地點;或於網上報名

2.3           申請日期:即日起至2022年12月9日晚上8點

2.4           申請地點:澳門時尚廊(澳門聖祿杞街47號)或


2.5            收件時間:澳門時尚廊-星期二至日(12:00-20:00)


2.6           活動日期:2023年2月至6月(暫定)

2.7           活動地點:澳門時尚廊(澳門聖祿杞街47號)

2.8           申請文件須於上述截止日期及時間前遞交至申請地點,逾期概不受理;

2.9           申請時須出示申請者之澳門特別行政區居民身份證正本,所有提交的申請文件副本,亦須出示正本文件以供核實;

2.10      倘申請文件紙本與電子檔內容有差異,則以紙本書面文件為準;

2.11      查詢方式:請於辦公時間內通過以下方式聯絡鄧小姐或羅小姐

電話:(853)2835 3341或(853)8898 0721








Fashion Encounter – Fashion Designer Exchange Exhibition between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries

Macao has been nurtured by Chinese and Portuguese cultures for more than 400 years and maintains close ties and exchanges with Portuguese-speaking countries in terms of economics, religion, and customs, as well as humanities and society. In order to establish the city as a “Cultural Exchange Center between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries”, Macao has been strengthening its ties with Portuguese-speaking countries in recent years, and the continuous exchanges have enriched the cultural and creative aspects of people’s lives and spirits. When it comes to fashion design, despite the differences between Chinese and Western cultural roots, the search for the highest level of aesthetics remains the same, and this is where the unique charm of fashion is born.


With the theme “characteristics of Chinese and Portuguese culture”, the “Fashion Encounter – Fashion Designer Exchange Exhibition between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries” brings together the creative forces of participating designers to present excellent Macao and Portuguese designs, showcasing the contemporary fashion and creativity of China and Portuguese-speaking countries, in an effort to facilitate exchanges between diverse cultures.


Macao fashion designer Isabella Choi and Portuguese designer Ana Cardoso have each drawn from their cultural genes and cultural literacy to incorporate Chinese and Portuguese cultural elements with creativity into their collections. Isabella Choi combines the elements of Cantonese opera costumes and Portuguese folk dance costumes in her collection, and Ana Cardoso combines traditional Chinese tailoring with the pattern of Portuguese “Azulejo” tiles in her collection. Each designer presents four works in this exhibition, where they both fully demonstrate the beauty of exchange and coexistence between Chinese and Portuguese cultures.


This exhibition is made possible thanks to the support of the University of Saint Joseph.


Fashion · Fantasy – Greater Bay Area Fashion Exhibition Introduction

Rapid advances in modern technology have enriched the material and cultural experience in all aspects of human life, and fashion is no exception. Thanks to the latest technologies, fabrics are constantly evolving. Creative exploration, research and development by designers have improved fabrics such as velvet, cotton, and linen to include functionality and technological elements, for example, nanofabrics. Such an advancement broadens the possibilities for design innovation and improves the quality of life and the wearing experience, taking fashion to an even higher level.


With the tremendous support from the Guangdong Association of Garment and Garment Article Industry, Guangdong Fashion Designers Association, and Fashion Farm Foundation in Hong Kong, the Macao Fashion Gallery has organized the “Fashion ‧ Fantasy – Greater Bay Area Fashion Exhibition”. The exhibition brings together the creative power of emerging fashion designers from Macao, Shenzhen, and Hong Kong and showcases their creative talents, further promoting exchanges and interactions in cultural and creative aspects between the youth in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.


The three fashion designers participating in this exhibition represent a new generation that dares to create ahead of time and play out their fantasies. Simon Kuong from Macao incorporates the technology of “nano silver flexible light-emitting film” and the elements from a classic science fiction novel into his designs. Hanah from Shenzhen integrates a soft base with shimmering silk to create the “Temptation of Black Gold” which features a sense of the future. Angus Tsui from Hong Kong skillfully uses 2D and 3D elements in his designs to transcend seasonal boundaries.


Through the nine sets of original fashion designs, the public can indulge in fashion fantasy, which features a remarkable sense of technology, woven by the integration of high-tech fabrics, innovative materials, and new technology into fashion.



  1. 簡介


  1. 基本資料

2.1          合辦單位:澳門特別行政區政府文化局、澳門生產力暨科技轉移中心

2.2           申請方式:親臨或透過代辦人遞交本規定第4點所指之全部文件至申請地點

2.3           申請日期:即日起至2022年6月19日晚上8點

2.4           申請地點:澳門時尚廊(澳門聖祿杞街47號)或


2.5            收件時間:澳門時尚廊-星期二至日(12:00-20:00)


2.6   公佈日期:2022年7月上旬

2.7           活動日期:2022年9月至12月

2.8           活動地點:澳門時尚廊(澳門聖祿杞街47號)

2.9           申請文件須於上述截止日期及時間前遞交至申請地點,逾期概不受理;

2.10       申請時須出示申請者之澳門特別行政區居民身份證正本,所有提交的申請文件副本,亦須出示正本文件以供核實;

2.11      倘申請文件紙本與電子檔內容有差異,則以紙本書面文件為準;

2.12      查詢方式:請於辦公時間內通過以下方式聯絡鄧小姐或羅小姐

電話:(853)2835 3341或(853)8898 0721






Fashion Friday (時尚星期五)-2022.4.29

澳門時尚廊“時尚星期五(Fashion Friday)”4月企劃於4月29日推出,多個品牌推出吸引的優惠折扣,把握機會,前來揀選心儀產品吧!

ANIFAAXOXYXOXS、C/W COLLECTIVE、COMMON COMMA 、COOKEDBONES、Demi*D、ella épeler、I.N.K、Loom、MISAZAL、Nega C.、NO.42、POURQUOI、PUI、SARA LOLO、SHEFEELING、、WORKER PLAYGROUND、ZICS、ADD something on、CC Lace、Cleo’s Leathercraft、Crystal E. Creation、Earlyink、FAITH & FEARLESS、FASHION MUSEUM、Gato、JUMP OFF、Kiwieate Design House、Lexx Moda、Stardust Journey、Vânia Nobre Jewelry、Whiff Macau、68Jewellery、芸悅手作工作室、飯田妹、慢活日常、頹爆貓工作室
